HomeAdnkronos newsImmediapressChangelly Pro Exchange Lists Quantum-Resistant Crown Sovereign (CSOV) Cryptocurrency

Changelly Pro Exchange Lists Quantum-Resistant Crown Sovereign (CSOV) Cryptocurrency

(Adnkronos) – NEWPORT BEACH, Calif., March 14, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Crown Sterling Limited LLC, an encryption and digital asset solutions provider, announces its Crown Sovereign (CSOV) utility token listing on Changelly Pro Exchange on March 14, 2022. Changelly Pro is an instant non-custodial cryptocurrency exchange service, which enables users to buy and sell cryptocurrencies. 


Backed by a quantum-resistant blockchain security protocol, CSOV empowers token holders to employ and participate in the Personal Data Sovereignty Revolution with Crown Sterling’s new technology throughout 2022 and 2023. “We are excited about the expanding utility of our tokens: from Quantum Resistant Encryption and Messaging to NFT Collectibles and Mathematical Compression/Decentralized Storage.  With CSOV, consumers will be able to NFT their own digital assets, including data,” said Robert Grant, CEO and Founder of Crown Sterling. 

With data emerging as the most valuable asset of the digital age, the CSOV serves as a tool that will enable individuals to protect, control and monetize their data in an era of largely unregulated big tech vulnerability and monopolization. For more on CSOV and other Crown Sterling technology offerings, join the community on Telegram and follow on Twitter. 

About Crown Sterling Limited LLC 

Crown Sterling is a pioneer of personal data sovereignty technologies, and is the first to implement quantum-resistant, One-Time Pad encryption as an option for a blockchain’s state transition function, which is the process flow of transactions on a network. The Crown Sovereign (CSOV), a quantum-resistant utility token, enables users to participate in the broad range of product offerings, including quantum-resistant cryptography and NFTs, as well as other future compression technologies. Crown Sterling looks forward to becoming the leading platform for data and digital asset management. For more information, please visit 

Crown Sterling Limited LLC Press Contact 

Tel: +1-949-260-1700 



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